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Application Letter范文模板内容分享 保险金信托经验分享怎么写范文模板

2023-07-26 17:25:20 互联网 未知 财经


/Note:for this section,you can write a letter applying for a position in the company in a few minutes.You should write at least a few words according to the Chinese outline given below:Dear Sir or Madam,I am a senior in the Department of Business Administration of Peking University.I am writing this letter to apply for the position of an employee recently recruited by your university/company.

I am sure that I am qualified first of all,and I enclose my resume,which further details my qualifications,education and work experience.Secondly,my qualifications and experience not only make me a perfect candidate,but also my cheerful personality is very suitable for studying in your university/finally working as an employee,my hobbies include sports and music,when I try to express my sincere feelings Thank you for your help,you gave me timely and favorable attention to my inquiry,I will thank you very much for your sincerity,Li Ming.




Note:for this section,you can write a letter applying for a position in the company in a few minutes.You should write at least one letter in accordance with the Chinese syllabus given below:Dear Sir or Madam,I am a senior in Business Administration Department of Peking University.I am writing this letter to apply for admission.

For an employee of your company/your company recently advertised,I am sure that I am qualified for the position first.I enclose my resume,which details my previous studies Not only that,my qualifications and experience make me the best candidate for this position.I am an outgoing person,and I am very suitable for studying in your university/as a teaching staff.

Finally,my hobbies include sports and music.When I try to express my sincere thanks for your help,your timely and positive attention to my inquiry will be greatly appreciated.




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