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2023-08-22 04:42:14 互联网 未知 财经




Guotai Junan International Holdings Ltd. provides clients with securities, futures, options, leveraged foreign exchange trading and brokerage services. The online trading platform of Guotai Junan International Holdings Ltd. supports multiple securities markets in Hong Kong, USA, Japan, London, France, German, Canada, Singapore, Vietnam, Shanghai and Shenzhen respectively, and covers the stock markets of Malaysia, South Korea, Australia and Taiwan, the global fixed income market and 20 futures and option market around the world. Besides, Guotai Junan International Holdings Ltd. also provides insurance brokerage services.

国泰君安国际港股交易服务 HK Stocks Services:


国泰君安国际海外股票交易服务 Overseas Markets Services:


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