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如何用Excel计算夏普比率 What Is The Sharpe Ratio? The Sharpe ratio is the financial ...  股票基金的比例怎么算

2023-09-01 11:58:57 互联网 未知 财经

来源:雪球App,作者: 市川新田三丁目,(https://xueqiu.com/3776526626/114403887)

What Is The Sharpe Ratio?

The Sharpe ratio is the financial industry’s favorite measure of risk-adjusted returns. It tells investors whether they are being appropriately rewarded for the risks they’re assuming in their investments.



The Sharpe ratio is calculated with the following formula:



There are three components to the Sharpe Ratio calculation:

Investment return

Risk free rate of return

Investment standard deviation





Investment return and investment standard deviation are relatively straightforward and require no explanation.


The risk free rate of return can be different depending on your use case. For most investors, a suitable risk free rate of return is the current yield on 10-year U.S. government bonds. That is the convention used in the Sharpe ratio spreadsheet available for download at the top of this article.


The Sharpe ratio is rarely calculated by hand in practice. Instead, investors generally use a tool such as Microsoft Excel for the purpose of Sharpe ratio calculations.


How To Manually Calculate Sharpe Ratios Using Yahoo! Finance

More specifically, this tutorial will show you how to calculate a 3-year Sharpe ratio for Apple, Inc (AAPL).

Step 1: Navigate to Yahoo! Finance.

Step 2: Type the ticker of your desired stock into the search bar at the top of the Yahoo! Finance bar. In our case, it’s Apple (AAPL), as shown below.




Step 3: Click on historical data, as shown below.

第三步:点击historical data历史数据下载

Step 4: Change the dates to the range of your choice, and then click “Apply.” After that, click “Download Data” (which is just below the Apply button).

第四步:打开历史数据下载栏后,可以对起始日期进行修改,见左侧红线标注,如不做修改,系统默认期限为截止到最新交易日的一年,本例中统计期限为2014年12月29日至2017年12月28日的三年,然后点击“Apply”应用,再点击“Download Data”数据下载功能键即开始下载数据

Step 5: The Excel document that will download as a result of your process so far will have six columns: Open, High, Low, Close, Adjusted Close (or “Adj Close” in the top row of the spreadsheet), and Volume. It’s Adjusted Close that we’re interested in, as this accounts for stock splits and dividend payments.

Using the adjusted close column, calculate the stock’s annualized returns during the time period under investigation. In the example shown below, this is done by dividing the current price by the oldest price and then raising this to the inverse power of the number of years during the sample. The equation is shown below.



Step 6: Next, a time series of daily returns needs to be calculated. This is done in column I in the spreadsheet shown below.


Step 7: Calculate the standard deviation of daily price returns using the STDEV.P() function, and then convert this number to an annualized figure by multiplying by the square root of 252. We use 252 instead of 365 (the number of days in a year) because there are approximately 252 trading days in an average calendar year. The formula to calculate the annualized standard deviation figure is shown below.


Step 8: Use the annualized return and annualized standard deviation data to calculate a Sharpe ratio. An example of how to do this is shown below, using 2.4% as the risk free rate of return.


The resulting number is the Sharpe ratio of the investment in question. In this case, Apple had a 3-year Sharpe ratio of 0.62 at the time of this writing.










STDEV 假设其参数是总体中的样本,如果数据代表样本总体中的样本,应使用函数 STDEV 来计算标准偏差。

STDEVA 假设参数为总体的一个样本;

STDEVP 假设其参数为整个样本总体,如果数据代表全部样本总体,则应该使用函数 STDEVP 来计算标准偏差。

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