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债务筹资公司的财务风险为什么比股权筹资大? 股票债券哪个风险高

2023-09-11 05:46:45 互联网 未知 股票


2023年acca《Financial Accounting》(FA财务会计)真题

ACCA真题可以帮助考生们发现自己在各个考试科目中的薄弱环节。通过强化这些薄弱环节的学习,考生们可以提升整体的考试水平。同时,ACCA真题也提供了查漏补缺的机会,让考生们在备考过程中全面提高自己的知识储备。 ACCA考纲白皮书 点击领取 一、2023年acca《Financial Accounting》(FA财务会计)真题 At 31 December 20X5 the following require inclusion in a companys financial statements. (1)On 1 January 20X5 the company made a loan of $12,000 to an employee, repayable on 1 January 20X6, charging interest at 2% per year.On the due date she repaid the loan and paid the whole of the interest due on the loan to that date (2)The company paid an annual insurance premium of $9,000 in 20X5, covering the 12 months to 31 August 20X6 (3)In January 20X6 the company received rent from a tenant of $4,000 covering the six months to 31 December 20X5 For these items, what total figures should be in

2023-06-15 10:20:34

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